Monday, December 30, 2013

A very Blessed Christmas

Christmas has come and gone, and soon it will be a new year! Im not sure if its just me but time just seems to fly by, and no matter how much I try to embrace every second I find myself and my heart getting kinda sad in ways. Having children has brought so much joy to my life, I know they will grow up but its just going by way too fast. Christmas always seems to remind me that one day they just might not be able to be with us during the holidays when they are grown but why do I have to be thinking that now, crystal slow down and just enjoy the present and the future will come in time and when it does embrace it as it comes.

So our Christmas tends to always be busy, I always do my best to try to keep things fair for our families. So Christmas eve we went to my mom and dads and celebrated with my moms side of the family, we always make it a point to go to Church with my grandma its a very nice tradition that we def try to keep. Unfortunatly mikie had a stomach virus so he was not able to celebrate with us which was very sad because he didnt want to miss out, and everyone was bummed when they discovered he was not coming, my cousins especially, they find mike quite entertaining which he def is.

Christmas morning came, our kids were of course awake at 5am and conrad comes into the room and says mom is it ok if we go out into the living room at 6 and I said sure buddy, not even ten min later he comes back in and says can we just go now and I said yes, I had a feeling that the 6 thing wasn't gonna happen but I thought it was sweet of him. So the kids were of course thrilled with the little they got from us and had thankful hearts for what they received which always brings Peace to my heart. As they played I made them all breakfast and thankfully mikie was better and we soon got ready to go to mikies moms for Christmas dinner.

Off to fairfield we went and had a nice dinner and of course more presents which Im always thankful for but sometimes I feel there is toooooo many presents, the kids would never complain but I think I would be content with no presents and just enjoying family time and maybe doing something great like bringing the kids to a children's hospital and bringing toys to the children there, or to a shelter or to the homeless just something more meaningful. I hope for this in our future I want to teach our kids the importance of love and God is love and He is why we celebrate Christmas and why they are still young I want to make an imprint on their little hearts so that when they become adults they will live their lives selflessly.

After all is said and done we had an amazing Christmas and we are truly Blessed. Our family will always know why we celebrate Christmas, and even though we do santa and presents it will always be first and foremost about Jesus, Happy Birthday Jesus!!!!!
Christmas eve already for bed

cute little mugs we picked up for the kiddos

our sweet doggie with her new toys

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Its Beginning To Look A lot Like Christmas!

     Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!! I of course love this time of year, the giving and being around loved ones and creating precious moments and of course celebrating Jesus's Birthday!! The weather has been so icy cold the kids keep asking mommy why doesn't it snow here and I say it has happened before maybe before the new year it will again, you never know!

     This morning was breakfast with santa at the kids school, it is something we have been going to ever since Conrad started kindergarten and this is his last year whaaaaaaaaa, such a bitter sweet moment. It was also Mylas first year, well as a student at DH White anyway. I guess if Conrad is not too cool next year he can still come along, man this watching your kids grow up is a lot harder then I thought it was going to be.

      Tonight our town had their annual Christmas tree lighting and boat parade, so we bundled up and headed downtown. Mikie and conrad were off doing boy stuff so I was joined by one of dearest friends and her daughter, my sissy also met up with us. It was very sweet, I love these kinda things its so much fun especially when the weather is somewhat tolerable which tonight it was cold but definitely tolerable.
Conrad and Myla with Santa

Love u my Friend
Oh Christmas tree
Girls waiting for the boat parade to start

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Honored to share such a precious moment

My grandmother if i have not said it before i will say it again and again, she is the most amazing woman I know and I will always be thankful that I have been so Blessed to have such a woman to look up to my whole life.

She was nominated for an award for her selflessness and her commitment and dedication for helping others. She truly is an inspiration and when i said to her grandma if anyone deserves this its you and her sweet humble answer was well I don't know about that.

So she invited my sissy and I to join her for the game, and wow!!! I have never been to a pro football game YIKES!!!! I can see how if you are into the the game it would be very exciting, but for me it was soooo much to take in, but the vibes you got from all the cheering and team spirit was pretty awesome, not to mention the most important part getting to see my 90 year old grandmother out on the 50 yard line getting recognized for her selfless giving of her time.

Thank you Grandma for letting me share such a special day with you, I will forever treasure it!
Such a special lady

walking to our seats

waiting to see our grams

A little pre game warm up

gram and some others on the field

Drum line, I wonder if conrads drum teacher is out there on the line today

enjoying the game together